
Fluroine-18: A Form Of Glucose Analysis

Decent Essays

Most of the food we eat converts to glucose in our bodies. Glucose is absorbed in our cells to provide energy. Most of this energy is used by the brain and heart and in any other areas of the body where there is activity. When Fluroine-18 is prepared it is attached to a form of glucose called 2-deoxyglucose. This forms 2-fluoro-2-deoxyglucose or FDG, when given to a patient the body assumes it is glucose and sends it to the brain, heart and other active body parts.
Before the PET scan the patient is given an injection containing a small amount of FDG. The patient then must sit quietly for about 60 minutes. During this time they must sit and relax. They are not get up and walk around, talk, read or do anything else that would require them to

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