
Ford vs Chevy Essay

Decent Essays

Ford vs Chevrolet Ford and Chevrolet (Chevy) are in the automotive industry and have been in completion for many years start back in 1908, both companies started in the state of Michigan and have been battling it out for profits, market share and hometown bragging rights. Ford was founded in the suburb of Dearborn, Michigan and Chevy was founded in Flint, Michigan. Ford and Chevy both are good-producing sectors, they both manufacture automobiles that are similar but different. They each have a mission statement, Ford’s mission statement “One Team, One Plan, One Goal.” Ford’s mission statement is defined to each part of the statement, One Team meaning people working together as a lean, global enterprise. One Plan meaning aggressively …show more content…

Ford has increased their advertising to new drivers or parents of new drivers explaining why their new models are some of the best cars available for new drivers to use. Chevy Today’s society judges people on the type of car you drive. Society does not like to admit to this but it is very true. Manufactures know this happens and targets their markets by these thoughts. Anyone who drives a nice vehicle is thought to be wealthy. No one wants to be seen driving an unattractive piece of junk because of what other people will think of him or her. Consumers also just feel better when they are driving a nice or new car, if makes them feel better about themselves. Technological Ford Ford's major move in recent years is that of the technology that is in their cars. With Ford's venture with Microsoft to introduce a "smart car" that has an understanding of what types of music the driver prefers to read text messages aloud and voice commands; Ford has definitely taken the lead in terms of technology inside the car. Chevy The internet has affected just about every industry in the world and has also had a huge impact on the automobile industry. The buyers referred to the internet before making their purchases and went to the auto websites before going

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