
Forensic Accountant Research Paper

Decent Essays

When presented with the question of “What will you do with your one wild and precious life?” the answer was obvious to me. I have chosen to pursue a career as a Forensic Accountant. The research I have conducted in this class along with my various assessment results confirmed that my career choice was the right one for my future. I would not describe my life as wild; however, my life and future are very precious and important to me. The Forensic Accounting field will allow me to grow in areas that are significant to my personal career interests.

Forensic Accountants typically are involved in investigating, analyzing, and presenting financial evidence that supports the company or organization they work for. Being intuitive, analytical, detail oriented, and ethical are essential traits and characteristics of a Forensic Accountant and also essential in all accounting careers. My Skills Test scores were high in the areas of management, technical, computer, mathematical, and financial operations, which firmly established that my career choice was certainly appropriate. Another positive for me in this career path is that the accounting field in general is so diversified it will allow me multiple options in my future. Having balance, happiness, security, and strength in my life is very important to me.

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I strive to be the best I can be and work hard at being successful in all aspects of my life. I have always had a passion for finances, math, details, problem solving, and being ethical. My personal characteristics go hand in hand with the traits of the accounting field, which is why I know the career choice is the right one for me. In this field I can achieve success while also having the balance, happiness, security, and strength in my life that I wish for in my future after

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