
Foster Children In The Foster Care System

Decent Essays

As of 2016 there were nearly a half million children in the foster care system, with roughly 25,000 “aging-out” each year (Ahmann, 2017). Most adolescents “age out” of the system with no one to mentor or serve as a caring parent figure. Foster youth are in dire need of long-term adult role models to guide them to achieve success. According to Ahmann, 50% of foster youth left “the system” without a high-school degree, as well as with having higher rates of PTSD, and depression (p. 43). Ahmann presented that research has proven teenagers, in general, that have quality relationships from adults able to provide support, do better than those that do not. If research has shown efficacy in supportive adult figures in a teen’s life then one can conclude that foster youth would also benefit. Foster children are at a disadvantage a soon as they enter “the system” so giving them resources proven positive is vital to their future success. Zetlin, Weinberg, and Shea (2010), conducted a study that looked at the roles of the Child Welfare system, schools, and the caregivers in helping foster children succeed in the education system. Although all groups agreed work needs to be done to enhance the learning outcome for foster children, everyone had their own opinions as to how to accomplish this. In order for foster children to be given a fair shot in the public school system everyone involved in the child’s life must work together. This means that the caregivers, foster parents,

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