
Franklin Delano Roosevelt And The Great Depression

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The Great Depression was a time in history that our country was brought to the edge of financial and emotional despair. There were many events that led to the great Depression, what were at the important factors that brought the Depression to an end? A man by the name of Franklin Delano Roosevelt was pivotal in bringing the nation a mindset of hope, his New Deal brought about change and the beginning of World War II all contributed to ending the Great Depression.
The collapse of the Stock Market in October 1929 began when 16,410,030 shares of stock were sold off in a single day and the market lost $14 billion in value, nearly five-times more than the annual budget of the United States, capping off a week in which the market lost 39.6% of its value between October 24th and October 29th. Many economists simply considered this part of the “normal business cycle” and believed that intervening to stop or reverse it would cause even greater problems. By July 8, 1932, when the market finally hit its bottom, it had lost a stunning 89% of its pre-crash October 23, 1929 value. ( )
Roosevelt is revered as one of the greatest men of the 20th century much because of his desire and dedication to pulling the nation out of depression. Roosevelt won 42 of the 48 states and became President in March 1933. In his inaugural address, Roosevelt stated the now-famous line, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself” he went on to say that this fear was, “nameless, unreasoning, unjustified

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