
Frederick Douglass, An American Slave

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When the United States was first established it was hard for everyone to get on their feet in a “new world”, but for some people it was harder than you would think. I do not know how we get away with slavery, but somehow we did and I hope we never have to go down that road again. One of the most famous people you hear talking about slavery is Frederick Douglass he is significant because he was once a slave who learned how to read and write and eventually stood up for what he believed in. Frederick Douglass ended up with his own views and he had a lot of different influences throughout his life to make these opinions and views. There are two sides to slavery and they have completely different views on governments and how to handle that situation. Frederick Douglass wrote a narrative Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave in this he sides with Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence, in this he makes his own views on the political ideals that are significant like natural law, and on the other side the slave holders would agree most with Machiavelli’s Prince in the aspect of how to run government. Frederick Douglass wrote a narrative Life of Frederick Douglass an American Slave around that time Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence and these two views are the most similar in numerous ways. In the Declaration of Independence Jefferson uses the famous quote “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable

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