
Free Will, God, And The Global Battle Between All Species Essay

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The world, as we see and know it, has provided a rich habitat for life, thought, and creation. On the surface of the earth, multifarious arrays of species exist, whose goals, I argue, are to encompass the globe and negate all threats to their survival. The latter is accomplished through the reproductive process and a species’ ability to adapt to nature’s unforgiving vicissitudes. Mankind’s rationality and throbbing self-interests are what make Him the winner of the global battle between all species. In the contents of this essay I hope to elucidate upon free will, God, the nature of truth, a new ethical theory, its implications, and the deterministic factors which justify its existence. The creed of freewill, which a large degree of mankind has immemorially upheld, is entirely false, according to my view: Kembleenian Determinism. My theory offers a bright outlook on the world, which is compatible with our moral intuitions, and extends the limited perspective of our lives and the world. Human actions are as determined as the stars above, and all that we do is not within our purview, but only rather within our view. We thus have no control over our actions, leading to the conclusion that the existence of free will is false and untenable, which should be ultimately admonished. If the latter sentence is true, then I had no choice, according to my view, to write it in the manner I did. Consequently, my theory, states that our genes, cognition, and unique past determine our

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