
Free Will Research Paper

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In the roadmap of life, each person has the capacity to change their course. When something in life doesn’t seem quite right we always have the opportunity to make a change. Ultimately, it’s our free-will and decisions that determine how everything in our life will play out. These ideas follow some of the common themes within existentialism. Specifically, in my life, the themes of existentialism closely follow some of my personal beliefs. Some ideas of existentialism that remain true to me include the ideas of free-will and living in the moment.
Free-will is an important facet of anyone’s life. It determines the things that we choose to say and do, purely based off of what we believe is correct. In my life, free-will is very important, especially when making decisions that could greatly impact my life. Sometimes even seemingly arbitrary decisions such as, “what classes will I take next year?” can change how I perceive the world. Under the concepts …show more content…

Existentialist believe that anything beyond life is in a sense, irrelevant. I agree with this idea because no matter what happens in our life we will die. It is simply a fact of human nature. However, we cannot spend our time worrying about what comes after death because we will never really know what happens after we die. What truly matters is what we do while we are living. Our innovations and ideas are more important than what will happen when we die. We know what we can do in the current moment so we must choose not to fret over things that we will probably never know the answer to. Additionally, traditional religious concepts that society has previously conceived are not applicable to my life. While I do believe that a higher power exists, often times I don’t agree with all of the values of traditional religion. I believe in focusing on what is given to us and working to make our desires a

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