
Functionalism, Conflict, And The Education System

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Functionalism, Conflict, and the Education System The structural-functional theory also known as functionalism is sociological theory that sees society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability. Functionalists view education as a contribution to the smooth inner working of society. Education is a lifelong process, we are constantly learning new things and deepening our knowledge of things we already know. The education system works to prepare individuals to become fully functioning members of society. It works to teach people certain skills that will help them to be successful in life. However, education not only teaches people the skills they will need to be successful in life, but it also teaches them how to be decent citizens and to work well with others. Many people view education are a service to the overall function of society. Talcott Parsons’ views education as a port of meritocracy. Meritocracy is a word used to describe that everyone is entitled to equal opportunity. He believes that education forms a sort of bridge between family life and society. Parsons believes that education works to instill the values of competition, equality, and individualism in the young minds of students. The meritocracy of the education system just means that everyone is entitled to the right to learn and has the same opportunity to learn. Parsons believes that achievement and rewards are determined by an individual’s effort and ability. Two

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