
GMO Food Fight: Into The Jungle By Upton Sinclair

Satisfactory Essays

Food Fight
GMO Food

Into the Jungle written by Upton Sinclair was published during the Ragtime era to expose the mistreatment of workers, and in addition highlight the problems that were going on in the food industry. These problems are very similar to the ones we're facing now with GM food. But first and foremost. What is a GMO?

GMO is the acronym for Genetically Modified Organism, and are organisms whose genetic material has been artificially manipulated in a laboratory. These are measures taken in order to make food last longer. This method is reasonably questioned by some consumers who question how safe GMOS are. Those are the same consumers who demand their food to be labeled.

During the Ragtime era Upton Sinclair felt that people should be educated on what happens to their food a social issue that can be found happening today as people are demanding to know what’s in their food. Furthermore, Labeling Genetically Modified food is the best way to educate customers about what they are consuming. Polls conducted by professional news organizations, including the Washington Post, MSNBC and Reuters/NPR consistently show that over 90% of consumers want GMO ingredients labeled. As ABC News stated, “Such near-unanimity in public opinion is rare.” This study shows how many people are adamant to have GMOs labeling. Pam Pinto, owner of Act Natural Health and Wellness in Torrington Connecticut. “I strongly feel that GM food should be labeled.” Pinto said, “We should not be our Government's experiment.” …show more content…

This is all done in the hopes to continue to make a profit without any concern for the consumer health or

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