
Gatorade And Gatorade During A Prolonged Period Of Exercise

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Introduction Since, its creation in 1965 at the University of Florida, Gatorade has remained one of the top selling sports drink around the globe. Distributed by PepsiCo, Gatorade is sold today across the globe in 80 different countries, with over 30 flavors sold in the United States. As stated on their website, Gatorade is a combination of carbohydrates and electrolytes beverage that was designed specifically to replace the components lost due to sweating and exercise. Due to the popularity of this sports drink; Danielson, Morris, Neiderhauser, Stanek, & Wolder (2006), took the task to investigate the effects of Gatorade vs. water during a prolonged period of exercise. Danielson et al. (2006), hypothesized that there would be no difference on physiological effects of consuming water vs. Gatorade after a prolonged period of intense exercise in warm temperatures. Methodology and Study Design Danielson et al. (2006), aimed to investigate the physiological effects of water vs. Gatorade after a prolonged period of intense exercise. The predictor variable in this study was water or Gatorade consumption by each of the participants (Danielson et al., 2006). The response variable was the physiological effects during and after the performance (Danielson et al., 2006). As stated on their website, increasing fatigue and fluid losses can impact performance negatively. In this study Danielson et al. (2006), defined performance as extended treadmill exercise

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