
Gay Marriage Essay

Decent Essays

Homosexual Marriage and Equality

In the midst of war and economy decline, Americans are being thrown a curveball that may change the way of their culture is forever; the idea of legalizing homosexual marriage. Frankly speaking, this idea was once new, strange, and deemed unnatural and it is now one of the biggest social controversies in our country. However, United States was built on the idea of federalism; the separation of power between federal and state government along with ideas of civil liberties and rights. Vermont is a state where homosexual couples can legally be grant civil unions, the closest thing to legalized marriage. San Francisco is the only city in the nation that allows homosexual marriages to be legalized, an …show more content…

Many have reacted and said that the FMA is not federalism because it does not give states any right to react to this situation, but in the FMA makers' eyes, it is federalism because the conservative Family Research Council attacks the amendment for not denying homosexual couples some marriage benefits. Federalism according to the conservative Family Research Council means giving benefits to those "who aren't allowed to have them" and that balances between the rights of states.

Federalism is much more than that idea; federalism is recognizing the power and responsibilities of the states as stated in the Constitution and giving them the right to decide on how domestic issues such as marriage, divorce, and even on how cosmetic surgeries, should be treated. Two thirds of American citizens feel closer to their local government believing since that they are closer in location; they are more sensitive to constituents' needs. Another reason may be that since local governments are voted in office by strictly popular votes, the local government must voice similar opinions of their constituents if they want to stay in the same career field. Although good arguments have come from both sides, Kurtz have overlooked the fact that federalism is

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