
Gays in the Media - Will and Grace is Only the First Step Essay

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Gays in the Media - Will and Grace is Only the First Step

Bisexual. Gay. Lesbian. These are all words that in today’s society are becoming more and more common to hear. Although just a few years ago hearing these words might have shocked some and angered many, they are becoming a part of today’s norm. People are broadening their views on sexuality and the possibilities open to them. Being bisexual, gay, or lesbian is slowly becoming accepted. On television a few years ago, a comedic sitcom Ellen attempted to make gays even more accepted by casting the main character as a gay woman. Sadly, Ellen failed because viewers weren’t ready for gays to be seen in a comfortable TV setting. The idea was too new and the show was before …show more content…

Will and Grace may be appealing to the viewer if he/she finds the messages of the show to be challenging the old cultural belief that being gay is not accepted by most in America’s society. It is the first show to have main characters that are gay that is widely watched and accepted. Will is portrayed as the opposite of what society may find to be stereotypical of a gay man. Will does not speak with a lisp, he does not use flashy hand gestures, nor does he even appear to be gay. Rather, he seems to be an average character on a sitcom. Will also is shown to be a fairly successful lawyer, a respected job title. Throughout the show, Will is never made fun of for being gay, nor treated differently because of it. His sexuality is not emphasized and this sends the message to viewers that being gay is normal and that one should not be treated any differently because of it. This in turn makes gays more accepted overall (surprisingly, since the media is normally considered demanding and unforgiving). Will and Grace strongly challenges the old cultural belief by a putting a respectable gay man on a widely accepted series for the first time.

Will and Grace may also have a negative effect on viewers because, although it challenges the cultural belief that gays are not accepted by most in society, it still weakens

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