
Gender And Gender Roles

Decent Essays

From adolescence and on, people have dreams. They develop a sense of longing for a certain career or hobby, and push to make this dream come true. Boys wanted to be firemen, and girls wanted to be ballerinas. One dangerous and heroic, while the other is graceful and poised. Have you ever heard of these roles switched? Have you heard a little boy say he wants to become a famous ballerina, or a young girl saying she wants to put out fires? The society we live in today has taught and developed many from a young age to believe in stereotypes and specific gender roles; therefore, leading us to be blinded by the fact that any sex can do anything they put their mind to: specifically women. Women who have been told they “can’t” for their whole lives.
In many instances, girls and boys long to be ballerinas and firemen because it is what society says is the right order. As Gould expresses, “not only to those whose dreams are flouted but also to those who never realize that they may dream.” A society must stop telling individuals what they can and cannot be. We should be doing what we love, and overall positively impacting a society by helping in any way we can no matter what sex we are, or what society says is the gender appropriate thing to do. We must end gender roles; we must support equality between genders. As a community we must blame ourselves for this continuation of gender roles and discrimination of certain sexes. We have allowed history to repeat itself for centuries without really putting a foot down to stop it. Written in the Declaration of Independence, it is shown how women had no place, or right to be a part of the legal system, and rather how they were just expected to do household jobs, take care of the kids, and have a dinner on the table. As it states in the declaration, “ We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal…” Obviously not, it seems they are forgetting a huge percentage of the population: women. Not only were they not represented as people but more like objects. They did not take part in any governmental issues in the United States until 1920. This being when the 19th amendment was created to allow women to vote in elections. The government today takes a big

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