
Gender Inequality In To Kill A Mockingbird

Decent Essays

Gender inequality remains a major barrier to human development. Girls and women have made major strides since 1990, but they have not yet gained gender equity. The disadvantages facing women and girls are a major source of inequality. All too often, women and girls are discriminated against in health, education, political representation, labour market, etc — with negative repercussions for development of their capabilities and their freedom of choice (
This a great definition of gender inequality because it encompasses many of the same forms of gender inequality that Lee brings up in both of her novels to bring attention to how even with changes of time, the rights for women never truly change how they are supposed to transform. In Lee’s first published novel, the main character, Scout, is a seven year old girl who grows up with her brother, her brother’s friends, and her dad. In other words, Scout grew up in a world full of men and their mannerisms, beliefs, and ideas were constantly around to influence her. In the novel, Scout sees her father as not being able to do any wrong; she adores her father.
Since her only influences in her life as a young girl are her father, her brother, and her friend Dill, she leans more towards the term “tomboy” over the term “girl”. She seems to resent being …show more content…

“Remember this, honey,” he said. “I’ve had to work like a dog for everything I never had. I worked in that store across the square—I was so tired most of the time it was all I could do to keep up with my lessons. In the summer I worked at home in Mamma’s store, and when I wasn’t working there I was hammering in the house. Jean Louise, I’ve had to scratch since I was a kid for the things you and Jem took for granted. I’ve never had some of the things you take for granted and I never will. All I have to fall back on is myself—”

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