
Gender Roles In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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In literature, books are sometimes used to explain situations in society by using the main characters as puppets, allowing us to see from the outside in, how absurd the world around us can be. Specifically, books can show us the discrimination faced by not only the characters, but also possibly the writers themselves. They can show us the dark horrors of their pasts or the bright futures they hope to have someday. Mary Shelley showcases the inequality of genders faced in her life throughout the novel through the thoughts and actions of Victor Frankenstein.
Victor Frankenstein has always been interested in immortality. From an early age, he looked at the fabled research of alchemists and eventually took up chemistry. He believes he can create …show more content…

He desires the creation of a male because he already views males as higher class than females. Succeeding in creating a male, would in turn showcase the success of his work. It is probable that Victor would not have thought of creating a female due to his inability to see equality between the genders. He believed he was creating a new human and doing a service to humanity. He says, "A new species would bless me as its creator and source; many happy and excellent natures would owe their being to me… I might in process of time (although I now found it impossible) renew life where death had apparently devoted the body to corruption," (Shelley 55). However, this was not the case for Frankenstein’s Creature. He has now created life from death and no longer can be the role of God, leading to his depression and disgust. Terrified by its appearance, Victor runs from his new creation, believing that nothing should be as ugly as what he created. By leaving the Creature with no guidance, Victor is setting free this human being with no sense of morals, language, or explanations. This is why the Creature cannot interact with people as easily. Destined to solitude, the Creature becomes lonely and longs for a mate. Because of his appearance, he knows the only way he can be happy with someone, is to have someone like him. When the Creature goes back to Victor, he begs …show more content…

Victor could not understand the reason the Creature wanted a mate so badly. Victor had a family, a woman who adored him, and a career that gave him footing to a better life. He was above the Creature and would not settle to his level, until all of his happiness was stripped from him. Which is why on Frankenstein’s wedding night, the Creature promised to take the one thing he so desires away from Victor. Believing that he was the future victim, because of his egotism and belief that males were the superior gender, Victor waited outside his bedroom to kill his creature, and in turn, he lost his

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