
General Business Liability Insurance

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Imagine what would happen if someone would trip over a display and break a leg while inside your grocery store. Also think what could happen if the heating system your workers installed in someone's house quit working on the coldest day of winter, or if a major fire would burn a large portion the clothing in your sporting goods store . You would be protected in each of the incidents, from possible lawsuits, and the damages you might incur from a disaster, if your small or large business has business liability insurance. Why you need it: Business liability insurance, also known as general business liability insurance or commercial general business liability will pay for medical costs, such as emergency room stays or ambulances, or other …show more content…

This is because the risk of a building contractor being responsible for someone being injured is greater, and when this happens, damages are typically more. As an example, medical costs for an injury might be $200,000 to $300,000, and legal fees could total more than $100,000. If your coverage is for only $300,000, you might owe from $50,000 to $100,000 out-of pocket. This is why someone with a higher risk of owing expensive damages who has business liability insurance might want to also add umbrella coverage or excess insurance, while a web designer might not need as much insurance. Business liability insurance also protects you against other types of clams against your company: Copyright infringement. Someone can owe from $200 to $150,000 for each work infringed. Advertising injures. This could include damages caused by slander, libel, and invasion of privacy. Reputation damages. In this type of claim, someone might sue you, claiming his or her character was damaged and you defamed his character. You could be responsible for compensatory damages, punitive damages and assumed damages, or damages a plaintive is assumed to have suffered if his reputation has been damaged, or if he has experienced mortification or shame as a result of something you have

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