
General George S. Patton Jr.

Decent Essays

General George S. Patton Jr. is considered one of the most brilliant soldiers in the United States army and one of the most feared American field officers, which earned him the nickname “Old Blood and Guts.” Patton contributed to American history by leading his troops to multiple victories during both World Wars. Born on November 11, 1885, George Smith Patton Jr. of San Gabriel, California, was named after his father and grandfather. His life revolved around the military. He spent his childhood playing “soldiers” with his sister Anne and pretended that he was in the military; he began referring himself by “Georgie S. Patton Jr., Lieutenant Colonel.” Patton also researched his ancestors who fought in major American conflicts such as, The Civil War, The American Revolution and the French and Indian War. Patton’s parents homeschooled George up until he was eleven. From then on, Patton was enrolled him in Stephen Cutter Clark’s School for Boys. Patton’s favorite subject in school was history and military history. He was fascinated by the stories of great military captains like Caesar, Napoleon, and Stonewall Jackson. Patton was so inspired by these leaders and also by his ancestors that he wanted to become a soldier. During the summer George spent his time on Catalina Island, where he met the love of his life, Beatrice Banning Ayer, in 1902. They started writing to each other when Beatrice went back home at the end of the summer. By fall of 1902, Patton told his

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