
Genetically And Genetically Modified Organisms

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From the beginning of agriculture, humans have always been experimenting with new ways to produce healthier, tastier foods that last longer and grow larger. However, scientists in the biotechnology industry have come up with a new way to genetically alter foods and other products, by producing GMOs. An acronym for Genetically Modified Organisms, GMOs are organisms that have been genetically modified to show only the desirable traits when they mature. To produce what they call, “transgenic plants”, scientists use recombinant DNA technology (JRSM). They can do this by isolating a gene that produces a specific trait from one organism and splice it into a chromosome from another organism, giving that organism the trait that the first organism originally possessed (PBS). Scientists at Cornell University discovered a way to splice genes into the chromosomes of plants, and that is by using a “Gene Gun” (PBS). Using compressed gas, the “Gene Gun” expels many of the same genes adhered to microscopic balls at a plant. When the balls pass through the plant, some genes stick to the cells of the plant, producing cells that can be grown in culture to produce a “transgenic plant” (PBS).
After 1982, when the FDA approved the first GMO, GMOs have been used worldwide in thirteen countries (GMO Compass, GMO Inside). Corns, soybean, and cotton were among the first products that were genetically modified through GE, Genetic Engineering, to produce their own pesticides (Coop). By 1996, GMOs were

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