
Genetically Modified Foods ( Gmfs )

Decent Essays

What if we lived in a world where there was no hunger, no want for sustenance, a world where everyone had and no one had not? That world is make believe as much as we wish or want. Yet, it doesn’t stop some from trying.
In 1935, there was a major discovery made in the scientific community. A Russian scientist by the name Andrei Nikolaevitch Belozersky isolated the Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) strand. From that point on, leaps and bounds have been made to manipulate the DNA of different organisms, including the food we eat. During the early 1990s Genetically Modified Foods (GMFs) and Organisms (GMOs) were introduced to the public. At first, GMOs were not successful, but that changed quickly, when scientists genetically modified cash crops. …show more content…

There is a much better alternative, yet, it comes at a price. It comes in the form of all natural, organic crops, this would be the healthiest option for human and animal consumption. Yet, which is the better choice?
Determining what is right and what is wrong would typically be a moral choice, yet, in scientific and political arenas, this thought of what 's morally right doesn’t always chime well and is often ruled out. It no longer comes down to helping the public, but is a matter of profits and margins. How can we trust the word of corporations that are out to make money, instead of helping the people of the world? Is it possible that the studies done for GMOs are biased or even misleading? That is really the question: can we trust the corporations or organizations that produce these results?
Thierry Vrain was working for Agriculture Canada, his main job as a research scientist was, “to address public groups and reassure them that [GMO] crops and food were safe” (Thompson, 2015, para. 3). Vrain held his position until he realized otherwise. It was the fact that he was a researcher that caused him to shift positions. If he had been a spokesperson for the company I don’t think it would have mattered to him whether GMOs were good for the public or not. Seeing that there were problems and issues Vrain left his job at Agriculture Canada and pursued a job in research specifically into the effects of GMOs. This shows that he cares more about what the science says rather

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