
George Washington Research Paper

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George Washington is seen, to the general public, as a larger than life figure. As a society, Americans have a tendency to view him as a legend, even to the point of creating stories that tell us false stories about his childhood and adulthood. Myths are taught to us from a young age about how the very first president had wooden teeth, and that he was somehow so pure that he could not tell a lie, and that he had such magnificent upper body strength that he threw a silver dollar across the Pontiac. George Washington was both an experienced military leader and a strong political leader, but in which field did he have the most impact?
George Washington was born in Virginia to a farming family that would be considered middle class in present society. …show more content…

However, this is not due to his success on the battlefield, or lack thereof. In fact, in his time in the military, he was defeated in more battles than he was victories in. The trait that many refer to when referring to him as a great general is the fact that he possessed the ability to keep his group, no matter how beaten, bruised, or downfallen, united. He was the sole reason, some may argue, that the revolutionary fire was never put out. He had a knack for inspiring others against all odds, and he was like a father figure for most of the soldiers on the …show more content…

He was a man of superior stature and unbelievable luck. He was known as a man that a bullet hole would not puncture, and that a politician would not argue with. He was even perfect in his imperfections. He was believed to be infertile, which many would look at as being a downfall. However, he still raised two children that belonged to his wife, and it is rumored that this fact made the choice even easier for him to be president, since no monarchy could be established through him because he lacked any legitimate kinship. He is regarded as a well-rounded individual that performed well in all duties assigned to him. He set many precedents for presidents to follow before him. Most of his actions and policies set forth during his time as acting President of the United States, although many not set in stone, were honored by his predecessors. He performed his duty as a commander of his team in the military, and that experience contributed to his political career. However, at the end of the day, it was politics that George Washington excelled

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