
Germany 's Geographical Features Of Germany

Decent Essays

The country I was assigned to research is Germany. Germany’s geographical features are its rivers such as the Elbe River, the Danube River, the Weser River and the Rhine River. Germany was by poor and weak areas that made it quite easy for imperialism to occur. Nonetheless, being by the water as a coast was really beneficial to Germany, These Rivers helped Germany with receiving and trading things such as health supply, weapons and food. In 1914, Germany’s population was recorded at 67 million and Germany during World War One was registered at 137,846 square miles.
The type of government Germany had during WWI was called a Federal Republic. A Federal Republic is a state in which the powers of the central government are restricted and in which the states, colonies and or provinces retain a degree of self-government. The official language for the country at the time was German and the name of the currency used was called German Papiermark. The major religions were both Catholicism and Christianity.
German people were perfectionists to say the least. The German people take pride in their ability to be well organized and always strive for perfection. Germans do not accept their faults and were rarely complimentary. German people may come across unfriendly but that is just in their nature to be stoic. Germans were known to love pork and incorporate it into many of their meals. Something about a hearty cuisine really made the Germans happy. Beer happens to be the most consumed

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