
Global Petroleum Industry

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From the start of the global petroleum industry in the early 1900s, both industry and the government have recognized the problem that temperature-induced changes in volume of fuel are present for inventory control. The petroleum products, like most other liquids, expand when heated and contract when cooled i.e. the amount of fuel in the inventories of retailer changes with the weather. Following a study of the issue conducted by the American Petroleum Institute from 1912 to 1917, the United States and Great Britain established the standard measure for petroleum products: at an ambient temperature of 60 degrees F, 231 cubic inches equals a gallon [1]
It is known that every type of liquid, expand and contract within the space they occupy if the temperature variation takes place. The increase in temperature will cause a liquid to expand and occupy a slightly larger volume than the volume which was occupied by the liquid at the initial point. The converse is also true, as decrease in temperature of the liquid will cause the liquid to contract in volume. Usually, the volume changes due to change in temperature variation directly varies with the density of the liquid i.e. the less dense a liquid is, the greater its capacity to expand and contract with equivalent temperature variations.

It is to be noted that these expansion and contraction due to temperature variations only apply as long as the material remains a liquid. Liquids after reaching a temperature point where a

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