
Goals Of Professional Socialization

Decent Essays

Professional socialization has four goals: (1) to learn the technology of the profession- the facts, skills, and theory, (2) to learn to internalize the professional culture, (3) to find a personally and professionally acceptable version of the role, and (4) to integrate this professional role into all of the other life roles (Masters, p. 174). In the first goal, it is our duty to stay in touch with advancing technology. This advancement allows more efficient and precise diagnostics. We are learning more in-depth of different diseases and illnesses thus allowing us to diagnose individuals rigorously. In the second goal, nurses should be able to communicate with individuals from different cultures so they can educate them to the best of …show more content…

Nurses must achieve higher levels of education and training to respond to these increasing demands (Medicine, 2010). As for myself, I am currently still learning the technology of the profession as a student nurse. As I continue with my schooling, I hope to endure a broad variety of cultural diversities so I can work on the second goal as well. I feel like I am further along with goal number three than any of the others. I go about with a professional and respectful manner in my daily life. With the last goal, I believe I am on my way, but I hope to improve and continue to influence this in my daily life. Overall, I can always work harder to become a better student, nurse, and educator to my patients. The goal in the socialization of nurses today and for the future is to achieve caring with autonomy. The challenge for the profession is capitalizing on the strengths of everyone and finding a means of accommodating all individuals as a way of maintaining the viability of the profession. Professional socialization of nurses in a profession that fully embraces caring for self and others reflects the internalization of what Roach refers to as ‘the five C’s: compassion, competence, confidence, conscience, and commitment”, representing a framework for human response from which

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