
Good Hair Project

Decent Essays

I am NOT my Hair College is not just about being involved in the classroom. Being involved in multiple clubs in my community back home was an easy way for me to give back to my community. I was constantly involved with volunteer work and I loved the outcome of each project so I wanted to continue to give back. Coming to Charleston, I also wanted to be involved outside of the classroom and give back to my new found home. While visiting Dr. Ross’s office ours, we were showed a video of the women’s “you CAN touch my hair” rally in New York, we knew instantly that we could add our own spin and produce an excellent activism project. In the beginning, our plan was to show the video Good Hair but there was a bit of confusion with the booking of the room. We frantically threw together a project at the end of the day. The purpose was to teach girls that all hair is good hair no matter how straight, curly, kinky, short, long, or big it is. Our project focused on how females conform to the expectations of society. Body image has always been a big idea to women. Most men are doctors, surgeons, or in control of major businesses in the world. Living in an …show more content…

I was able to learn about multiple ethnicities and their hair. I was allowed to explore the different textures and opinions held by others about their hair. When recording our participants, it was interesting to see how some people loved their hair while others did not care for it as much. Many of our participants did not know what to say about their hair. We often had to prompt them with questions. Our participants laughed and seemed enjoyed themselves as we videoed and questioned them. We often complimented each of our participants on their hair, some seemed to take our compliments with ease while others did not accept until we pushed the issue. In the end, all of our participants walked away with smiles on their face and a compliment for the

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