
Good Management And Leadership : A Christian Worldview Perspective

Decent Essays

Countries disintegrate, place of worship and corporation fail, people become dysfunctional, descendants lose their direction, and mankind drift from God on behalf of one distracting reason; insufficiency of leadership. These disappointments are often for the reason that of the deficiency of instruction, appropriate leadership, and misperception on what Christian leadership subsists and exactly how that leadership is pertinent to every component of professional and personal life. From a Christian worldview perspective, Psalm 112:5 explains, “A good man deals graciously and lends; He will guide his affairs with discretion” (NKJ). A Christian manager should always keep in mind that bounteousness and admiration for God, demonstrates that one has placed trust in Him, and not our material possessions. Good management and leadership are essential for organizations to operate and additionally for the businesses to prosper. When businesses are well administered, they can function successfully and they can function effectively. Managers have exceptionally effective and strong plans, mangers have systematized structures, organizations, and they also assess effects. When businesses are appropriately directed, they acclimate to modifications in the situation and cultivate cultures that encourage obligation and improvement. Mutually good management and good leadership are essential to maintain organizational performance. However, there arises an instant in one’s

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