
Google 's Article On Google

Decent Essays

On September 4, 1998, something was created that was able to take over our lives; it was something that we would not be able to live without. It was an engine, a search engine. The search engine is now what everyone on the planet calls ¨Google¨. One may even be reading this essay on Google software. Providing us with Google-powered operating systems from Gmail to driverless cars, it has given us unlimited access to almost anything we desire. The powerhouse makes our lives easier, however, it can also formulate unintelligence by destroying our memory, building our dependence upon it, and limiting our abilities that make us who we are. Google offers organized and complete access without charge to any information we want, but our …show more content…

A 2011 neurological study in a University of California reveals that one can only acquire information when their mind is tranquil. However, with Google’s constant commercials, links, and pop-ups, one cannot remember the information they are trying to take in. As a result, Google is slowly demolishing our memory.
Google saves our time and energy, but people are becoming too dependent upon it. Google Maps, with more than ten million downloads, has become a necessity of life to some individuals. Without Google Maps, most drivers can not find their way around places. Due to the dependence on Google, many fail to recall how to read maps which is a significant skill needed to survive if something happens to technology. In addition, if Google were to shut down for a couple of days, fifty-six percent of businesses will suffer great losses. Businesses will not be able to function because of their dependence on Google’s software, such as Google Analytics. They will also lose communication with each other, having a major impact on America’s economy. Not only will businesses suffer, but people will too. Android and Chromebook users won’t be able to call, text, or browse since those devices are powered by Google. Some individuals will also lose their jobs as online-researchers due to the lack of connection to the resources they need. Many will argue there are other search engines out there that can be used. However, those engines do not provide quality material that are essential

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