
Google 's Internet Search Engine

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Google is a huge multinational corporation that runs one of the most popular web services. Google’s Internet search engine allows users looking for the information online based on some keyword queries. Google also offers a variety of other services in web and telecommunication areas. People can use its offering to create blogs, websites, upload videos, create and share news items and many more. It suggests social networking tools, services for business, mobile services, and even Google branded goods. At the same time, it reportedly has some privacy issues. It collects personal data from all its users to generate targeted advertisements. However, experts suggest that these data are also used to profile people and spy on their personal lives. Therefore, the analysis of Google’s comprehensive services and operations allows stating that the company is one of the best ones. However, it is also one of the most secretive organizations in the world.
Google as One of the World’s Best Companies
About the Company
Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded Google in 1998. They started working together at Stanford University on a search engine Backrub. In this engine, they first used the technique of using back-links to estimate the webpage relevance. It later came to be a basis of Google search, the PageRank algorithm. Google gained a worldwide popularity almost instantly; and by 2000, it had become one of the world’s top search engines. In 2001, it introduced its advertising services

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