
Graham Greene's Use Of Foreshadowing In 'The Destructors'

Decent Essays

In “The Destructors”, we are met with a small gang of young boys at a meeting. The gang’s newly elected leader, T., gave them an idea. T giving them the idea foreshadows that something will happen to the old man’s house. Mainly T. shows many aspects of foreshadowing throughout the story. Graham Greene uses foreshadowing in the short story “The Destructors” to drive the plot forward and leave readers anticipating what will happen next. “The Destructors” offers many aspects of foreshadowing. One, in particular, was when T. had the idea to destroy Old Misery’s house. “I’ve got a better idea.” (Greene, 5). T. suddenly had such a great idea for the gang, and as a result, Blackie stepped down. It was the end of his leadership. T’s sudden ascent

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