
Great Depression Dbq Essay

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There were many causes to the Great Depression. Many people would debate how many there were exactly. Out of all of them, here are four of the bigger ones. International payment problems, unequal distribution of wealth, the banking system, and overproduction. The first cause that will be covered is international payment problems. The reason why international payment problems is a cause of the Great Depression is because the U.S did not pay the countries that it owed money to. The U.S not paying these countries increased national debt. Another cause of this happened to be the fact that without the U.S paying them, Germany couldn’t pay back France, which was a problem. Not only that, but due to tariffs, other countries couldn’t sell anything in the U.S. This made world trade fall by 40%. Document D mentions that stock prices fell and that Europe was disturbed about what the U.S. did for occupation debt. It also says how the U.S. was unable to pay some of the world powers. Document O basically mentions the same thing, except that it’s about the blocking of foreign trade, which mad paying the other World powers for WW1 harder. The tariff that was passed made it nearly impossible for foreigners to sell in the U.S. …show more content…

Not only that, but those who were working industrial jobs either got fired or had their wages cut. This brought about a mass of unemployment, and made those who were poor even more so. Those who were rich and had a job though, just got even more rich by the minute. Document E shows a chart that outlays the unemployment percentages of farmers and industrial workers. Farmers had a high rate of unemployment, but not as high as that of industrial

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