
Greenhouse Gas Pollution

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In the United States, the two largest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions are transportation and electricity. Although limiting the emissions from electricity will be important in the future, transportation would be much easier to fix now. Greenhouse gases such as methane, carbon dioxide, water vapor and nitrous oxide not only pollute the air we breathe, but they also store energy that could be causing climate change. These molecules trap heat from leaving our atmosphere which is believed to cause the earths increase in heat. Most Americans see climate change to be an issue that should be acted on, and since greenhouse gases could be causing climate change the emissions of these gases need to be limited. Recent studies show that transportation produces nearly 27% of greenhouse gases in the United States (Sources of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, 2017). In addition, the leading producer within the transportation category is light duty vehicles. Many people say that airplanes and ships are to blame for the majority of greenhouse gas production in transportation, but the majority of the pollution actually comes from the cars Americans drive every day (Fast Facts on Transportation Greenhouse Gas Emissions, 2015). The United States government needs to take charge and make changes that will help limit the production of greenhouse gases. To fix these issues, the government could limit the cars that citizens are allowed to own or change existing tax laws to benefit drivers of fuel

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