
HIPAA Discussion Paper

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HIPPA Discussion What is the definition of HIPAA? HIPAA is an acronym that stands for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. It is a US law designed to provide privacy standards to protect patients medical records, as well as other health information provided to Health Plans, Doctors, Hospitals, and other healthcare providers (, 2017). Developed by the Department of Health and Human Services, this program was designed to give patients better access to their medical records and more control and how those records are distributed. What forms of communication are protected with HIPAA guidelines? All forms of communication related to the patient's information are protected. Those forms of communication may include any information that is transmitted by computer or other electronic means, telephone, fax, written documentation, audio recordings (such as telephone voice messages) or other oral communication. This protection extends to health billing information as well. All healthcare providers and insurance providers are bound to this privacy act. (Secretary H. O. 2017) What are the exceptions …show more content…

This is especially necessary if the patient is incapacitated and doing so is in the best interest of the patient. In addition, the Privacy Rule does not prevent reporting of child abuse. Child abuse or neglect is to be reported to the appropriate government authorities and does not conflict with HIPAA guidelines. Another exception would be when it is necessary to comply with law enforcement for specific medical information requests, such as an emergency request for information during a possible bioterrorism

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