
Haiti : A Country Of Haiti

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Haiti is considered one of the poorest countries in the western hemisphere, with more than 60% of its population living in poverty. The long history of political and economic instability along with Haiti’s growing susceptibility to natural disasters has negatively impacted the long-term sustainable development of the small island. Due to the conditions of Haiti and stark division between the rich and poor, nearly half of the population lack access to education, health and economic resources necessary for growth. The catastrophic earthquake that hit Haiti in 2010 only further exacerbated the dire state of Haiti. Looking at the country today, there seems to be little productivity. However, most are unaware that Haiti was once one of the richest colonies in the New World. What was once called one of the richest colonies in the New World has become a country that today, is a long way from realizing the effective goal of "building back better." Haiti, already an impoverished nation, appears in many ways to have barely started recovery six years later, despite the alleged $2 billion dollars and more in foreign aid. Media points out that schools are being rebuilt, and some residents are now beginning to move out of the encampments, rediscovering a sense of community. But jobs and a sense of security remain a mystery. Background
Pétionville is a suburb of Port-au-Prince, Haiti where rich businessmen, foreigners, and wealthy Haitian citizen populate. Considered one of the most

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