
Harding Coolidge Research Paper

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During World War II the United States wanted to stay neutral, that is how they started. But how did they go from being neutral to getting involved in the war? They went through rejecting League of Nations, then to electing Harding Coolidge, to the America first movement with Charles Lindbergh, then the lend lease act, and finally entering world war two. In 1918 the US senate got together and consulted on the idea of the League of Nations. The League of Nations was brought the Senate and was not passed because the majority voted against the League of Nations. The leader of the republican, henry Cabot Lodge saw some flaws in the League of Nations. One part of the league of nations rules said ”the united states must respect the territorial integrity …show more content…

Harding Coolidge during his presidency came up with a Kellogg-Briand Pact. The message of this act was for the an international agreement, they would sign this meaning that “any dispute or conflicts of whatever nature or of whatever origin they may be, which may arise among them. Any country failing to keep this international treaty would, “be denied of the benefits of this treaty”. This treaty was originally made by the United States and three countries signed it to start this international treaty. Germany, France, and the US all agreed and signed this treaty outlawing any kind of dispute between any countries. This treaty was signed on August 27th, 1928, and many other countries soon followed their footsteps and signed the document. In the end a total of sixty two countries signed this document all in the course of one year. In the United states they brought this to the senate, it was a resounding yes by the senate of eighty-five to one! The effect of this treaty was overwhelming. The treaty was overall working and no big wars had erupted since that treaty, civil wars were still happening in the mid east though. However this treaty did not stop the militarism all the countries are used to having. And a historian Harold Josephson said,”this made no immediate contribution to peace throughout the countries and did not live up to the aim of stopping war and …show more content…

This act of aggression from Japan mad America write a declaration of War against Japan and fellow allied countries (not ours). The Japanese called it the Hawaii Operation and was a strike against our naval fleet interfering with Japanese military actions. The attack happened early at 7:48 am when 353 Japanese fighter plane, bombers, and torpedo planes came in waves. The Japanese also sent six aircraft carriers and during their operation they damaged all of our Naval battleships, four actually sunk but six were put back into service. The USS Arizona was later raised and is still used and is in service today. They damaged three of our cruisers, and three destroyers, along with an anti aircraft training ship, and one minelayer. Many civilians were killed and many important military and civilian buildings. Franklin D. Roosevelt says that this action was a “a date which will live in infamy”. This is what made the US who at all cost wanted nothing to do with the World War and Japan's actions paid the ultimate

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