
Hazel Grace Essay

Decent Essays

Hazel Grace is a 16-year-old diagnosed with lung cancer. She wears a nasal cannula to help get water out other lungs and get air in. She survives her cancer by taking doses of the drug Phalanxifor. She goes to a Support Group in the basement of their church, called The Literal Heart of Jesus, with other cancer patients with her friend, Isaac, who suffers from eye cancer. One time she went, Isaac brought his friend, Gus Waters. Gus suffered from Osteosarcoma, losing one of his legs. He had been NEC, meaning no evidence of cancer. Gus uses cigarettes, but never lights them. He says that it’s a metaphor. You put the killing thing right between your teeth, but you don’t give it the power to do its killing. He and Hazel then become friends and she and he went to his house to watch a movie. While over there, Hazel introduces Gus to her favorite book, An Imperial Affliction, …show more content…

When Gus emailed not Van Houten, but his assistant, Lidewij Vliegenthart to give to Van Houten, he got a response. that then inspires Hazel to write an email to him where she asks questions that the book left unanswered. A few days later, Isaac was officially NEC, but he is blind. Hazel visited him at the hospital and talked with him, and the next morning, she got a response from Peter Van Houten. He said that he couldn’t answer her questions except in person, and he lives in Amsterdam. She told Gus about this and later the two of them went on a picnic. While there, Gus told her that he was going to invite her to go with him to Amsterdam, because he will use his Wish to go there. A Wish is part of the Make A Wish Foundation where kids with cancer can make wishes to do almost anything, like go to Disney, which Hazel used her wish on when she was

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