
Health Information Exchange Essay example

Better Essays

TaNesha Hoskins
August 14, 2012
Course Project


Table of Contents

History of HIE
• What is HIE?
• What is Illinois HIE program?
The Challenge
• Why do we need HIE?
Benefits of HIE
• How does HIE work?
• Who set the standards for national health information program?
• What are the benefits to the patients, providers, insurance carriers, etc?
Privacy and Security
• How is patient data secured when exchanged through HIE?



A Health Information Exchange, or HIE, is technology that enables the electronic movement of health-related information among health care providers and others. HIEs are an …show more content…

Using ILHIE Direct is simple, intuitive and very much like sending an e-mail. Best of all, ILHIE Direct is offered at no cost at least through 2012.

The Challenge of Health Information Exchange
HIE face a range of challenges as they try to get hundreds and even thousands of participants in sharing data. Getting data in front of doctors and other clinicians is one of the biggest challenges HIEs face. Ideally, it would be delivered directly to a providers' EMR system, so when a patient goes to an outside lab for blood tests, the results would show up in the electronic record at the doctor's office, and the doctor would be notified that the results are there. However, with limited EMR use across the country, HIEs have had to provide alternative delivery methods. HIE is considered to be one of the key components of the national health IT infrastructure being established by the HITECH Act. Policymakers and health care providers believe this health IT infrastructure will produce a number of benefits, many of which are directly related to HIE.

Benefits of HIE
Physicians can help to ease the transition to a patient electronic health record by engaging the patients in open dialogue that will educate the patient on the benefits of an electronic record and address their concerns. Physicians can let patients know that their electronic record will enable them to

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