
Health Literacy Impact On National Healthcare Utilization

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Health Literacy Impact on National Healthcare Utilization
Background: Health literacy presents a huge challenge in the delivery of effective healthcare and quality outcomes. We evaluated association between low health literacy and healthcare utilization.
Methods: Database analysis utilized Medical Expenditure Panel Survey(MEPS) from 2005-2008 which provides national representative estimates of healthcare utilization and expeniture. Health literacy scores were calculated based on a validated predictive model and were rated according to National Assessment of Adult Literacy(NAAL). Health Literacy Score (HLS) ranged from 0-500. Health literacy levels were categorized in two groups: Below basic or basic (HLS<226) and Above basic (HLS≥226). Health utilization included visits and expenditures. The estimation of annual expenditures was based on averaging the expenditures and visits over the three calendar years data. To account for inflation and to match the 2010 census year, expenditures were adjusted to 2010 rates using the Consumer Price Index. A p-value of 0.05 or less was the criterion for statistical significance in all analyses. All analyses were performed with SAS and STATA® 11.0 statistical software. Results: The study evaluated 22,599 samples representing 503,374,648 weighted individuals nationally from 2005-2008. Average age was 49 years, female 57%, Caucasian 83%, and the greatest percentage were from the South region of United States of America (36.8%).

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