
Health Promotion : Theories And Models

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Health promotion utilises theories and models to guide practice. A theory is the general principles of a framework of ideas in regards to a particular topic. (, 2016) A model is a set plan of action based on theoretical ideas to achieve a set goal. (, 2016)
The difference between a theory and a model is that a theory is related to evidence based knowledge and a model is built on this knowledge although it is presented as a process to reach certain targets.
The three health promotion approaches individual, community or organisational and public policy and practice can all be applied in a health promotion setting.
The individual level of health promotion is based on the Ottawa charter action area ‘develop personal skills’ through education and social development an individual is more inclined to seek health promoting behaviour and make more informed health choices. (, 2016) An example of this is the Australian guide to healthy eating which provides individuals with guidelines on how to make good informed choices when it comes to healthy eating. (Anon, 2016)
At the community/organisational level of health promotion is based on the Ottawa charter action area of ‘strengthen community action’ it increases access to health information, community involvement in health initiatives whilst empowering the community to make their own choices. (, 2016) An example of this can be displayed through the St George Illawarra Dragons community

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