
Healthcare Finance: Basic Tools for Nonfinancial Managers

Decent Essays

Controlling is ensuring the validity and accuracy of all financial information within the firm. Controlling will become very profound as the industry overall undergoes fundamental change in regards to operations. Legislation imposed by the federal government regulates, to a certain extent, how health care organizations operate. As such, management must be able to control costs and assess the validity of the financially information presented to them. If the organization fails to do so, the results could be devastating. First, loses will occur due to the excessive lack of control. The organization may be forced to lower spending in some areas of compensate for the aggressive spending in others. In addition, the reputation of the firm could be harmed. Patients and other vendors may be unlikely do business with the firm for fear of the company's lack of financial security. Therefore, in order to ensure the continuity of the business, the firm must have adequate methods by which to check the validity of its financial information. Third party audits, independent audits, check and balances and management oversight all will help ensure that the overall financial position of the firm is sound and credible.

Decision making
Decision making is a very important skill within the overall context of health organization. Decision making is of particular importance when an immediate or urgent decision is needed. The health care profession is constantly inundated with

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