
Healthcare Systems And The United States Healthcare System Essay

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Abstract Universal Healthcare sounds appealing, but it actually lowers the quality and quantity of healthcare services that are rendered to patients, thus downgrading the healthcare system as a whole. Not having to pay, with everyone having coverage leads to longer wait times for medical service and many people overusing health care services. Implementation of Universal Healthcare in the United States would lead to a detrimental crippling of the nation’s health system. For those countries that have implemented Universal Healthcare or a system similar to it, all or most aspects of the coverage such as cost and care is generally provided by and tightly controlled by the government, a public-sector committee, or employer-based programs, with most of the funding essentially coming from tax revenues or budget cuts in other areas of spending. This paper will conclude with comparing the US healthcare system to others and how the US has one of the most advanced systems in the world. The infrastructure of the United States healthcare system has long been a point of contention for many, especially with the recent passage of the Affordable Care Act by President Obama, which serves to reform the past healthcare system into a more socialized Universal Healthcare system. Proponents of Universal Healthcare in the United States like to point to the success of countries such as Brazil, Thailand, and Canada to name a few, who have in fact adopted a form of Universal Healthcare, but

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