
Height Of Grass Lab

Decent Essays

What is The Effect of Nitrogen Percentage on The Height of Grass? If the percent of nitrogen is higher, then the height of grass will increase. The independent variable of this experiment is the different percentages of nitrogen. The dependent variable is the height of grass. The control group is the soil from the backyard while the experimental groups are the potting soil and Haw River soil. One cup of soil and five mL of Pennington Tall Fescue grass seed will be placed in each container. Three cups of waters will be given to the grass every other day and the height of the grass will be measured every week. At the end of the experiment, potting soil with 21% nitrogen had the highest grass grown. The backyard soil was the second highest grass grown with 17% nitrogen and Haw River had the shortest grass with 13% nitrogen. If the percent of nitrogen is higher, then the height of grass will increase. The purpose of this lab is the see how much nitrogen should be used to grown the best, tallest grass or plants. Nitrogen is a part of all living cells and is a necessary part of all proteins. “The primary use of …show more content…

Grass that was planted in soil with 13% nitrogen grew to be 8.1 cm but grass that was planted in 17% nitrogen grew to be 8.3 cm. However, grass planted in soil with 21% nitrogen grew to be 9.1 cm. Therefor, as the amount of nitrogen present increases, the height of grass increases. Plants need sunlight to grow. Sunlight is used during photosynthesis to make and build the parts of plants like the roots and leaves. Nitrogen helps plants with growth and seed/fruit production. Nitrogen is apart of chlorophyll, which is responsible for photosynthesis. So as shown in this experiment, the same amount of sunlight and the amount of nitrogen that is given affects the plant’s growth. If nitrogen levels decrease, the height of the plant also

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