
Hip Hop Sociology

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To get a better understanding of rap music and its origins, it is necessary to investigate within a larger historical framework of hip-hop, which derives from African American cultural aesthetic traditions and movements. Specifically, to understand hip-hop culture, one needs to know about the social and economic situations in the 1970s New York. In the beginning, hip-hop culture was a Black, Hispanic and male-dominated youth movement during the 1970s and the South Bronx was the most indigent neighbourhood in New York. Youth subcultures are usually about lifestyles which include one’s favourite choices regarding arts, fashion, books, and music. Rap music appeared as a cultural aesthetic expression of inner-city African-American juveniles in the Bronx, New York, during the late 1970s. Rap music’s point of view provides conceptualisations of gender and identity and supports the representation of problems regarding inequality, inequity, and social interactions (Rose 31). Until today, many rap artists come from a background where they had to struggle with aggression, family dysfunction, poverty, and intimidation. In order to prove their skills and earn respect from others, rap battles were invented, …show more content…

Hegemonic masculinity has derived from other masculinities, particularly subordinated masculinities. Although only the minority of men practice it nowadays, hegemonic masculinity is still quite common in rap music (Connell and Messerschmidt 832). “It ideologically legitimates the global subordination of women to men” (832). Hegemony itself does not necessarily mean violence, even though it might be reinforced by force; it rather stands for “ascendency achieved through culture, institution, and persuasion”

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