
Historical Aspects Of Ancient China

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As with all oracular processes, chance remains a pivotal aspect of divining the future. The use of divination in the context of Ancient China is a way of explaining the unknown. Known in the Western sphere as The Book of Changes, the Yijing/I Ching–conversely known as Zhouyi–is a document that was incepted during the Bronze Age for the purposes of divination. The contents of the Yijing holds “sixty-four short chapters, each consisting of three elements: a hexagram, a hexagram statement, and six line statements. The hexagrams are drawings of six parallel lines, some whole and some broken. The two kind of statements…explain the mantic value of each hexagram and each line.” The creation of the hexagrams were attributed to Fuxi, a ruler …show more content…

The following line statements that accompany each individual line can also give further insight as to whether the person asking the question will be successful in their endeavors. Though according to Rutt, “though its ‘indications’ are sometimes appropriate to the theme of the lines, the hexagram statement does not summarize the theme of its line statements, and in most cases has no thematic connection with the…and cannot be said to provide a general summary of the hexagram’s meaning…” Even if the divination process selects the same hexagram for varying situations, it does not guarantee that they will all have the same outcome of success or failure. The Yijing is rooted in mathematics; the basis of the hexagrams were inspired by nature, which can be debased to mathematical equations. 2 to the power of 6 equates to the number of hexagrams within the document (64 total). “Since numbers to the power of 2, together with multiple symmetries, turn up everywhere in mathematical and physical structures, Chinese scholars found no difficulty in applying the 64 hexagrams to everything from the structure of crystals to the solar system.” Hexagrams were also discovered to have relation to binary by William Leibniz. “Hexagrams in the Fuxi order, if written with 0 for the broken lines and 1 for the whole lines, and with the bottom line at the right, gave the binary

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