
Historical Policy Comparison

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Historical Policy Comparison
Jermaine Hunt, Jason McFadden, Kendra Williams, Michael Dasher
December 10, 2013
Ken Jones

Historical Policy Comparison
Criminal justice policy over the past 50 has evolved. The key issues of criminal justice policies were gangs, drugs, juvenile, root causes of crime, and gun control. Currently, the key issues are terrorism, illegal immigration, and global organized crime. Traditionally, criminal justice policies were issued by state and local governments. However, the federal government plays an important role in implementation of criminal justice policy. The federal government provides grants to local and state governments to support these criminal justice policies. Criminal justice agencies …show more content…

Due process model is like an obstacle course whereas the crime control model is like an assembly line. Conservatives favor the crime control model but liberals favor the due process model. Crimes control model emphasis on efficiency although due process model emphasis on equality. The objective of crime control model is to punish criminals, nevertheless; the goal the due process model protects criminals’ constitutional rights. Furthermore, Team A will analyze the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 and Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Statues addressing the following questions.
Policing major concerns are keeping citizens safe in their state and community, and enforcing their laws. The law enforcement agencies focus is upholding the law in making sure they intercede on the goal. Once Congress appointed the federal with power to regulate the United States but came with jurisdiction, containing to the United States Constitution for states to hold their own power the people must abide by laws. The police force includes protecting and serving the people and must enforce what the law is mandated. The police have several concerns with trying to protect and serve the public, keeping the communities with peace and not violated the government rules on the United States Constitution rights. The police

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