
History Of Memory Advancements

Decent Essays

Some of the memory advancements post 2008 are as follows:

1. Solid State Drives: Solid State Drives are storage devices that make use of integrated circuit assemblies as memory to store data. SSDs have no moving mechanical components. They are different from hard disk drives because they don’t contain spinning disks and movable read/write heads. 2. 3D XPoint: (pronounced three dee cross point) is a non-volatile memory (NVM) technology which utilizes bit storage based on a change of bulk resistance, in conjunction with a stackable cross-gridded data access array. This is a new type of non-volatile memory that was announced in 2015 and is set to hit the market in mid-2017.

3. Thin Film Memory: Thin-film memory is an upgraded high-speed …show more content…

This ultimately slows down operations, it provides a 25% increase in storage capacity.

Next 5 years Moore’s Law states that the number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit doubles approximately every two years. Flash memory has been and will continue to take advantage of Moore’s Law as performance and cost per bit increases in the years to come. Its competitor, the HDD is still widely used thanks to its cheap cost and high capacity. In the next 5-10 years, it’s a guarantee that both these technologies will continue to improve.

Hard Disks Developments in hard disks can be seen in technologies the likes of SMR (mentioned above) which Seagate revealed at the end of 2014 with the launch of an 8TB disk. Success of SMR will give rise to the adoption of another technique known as Two-Dimensional Magnetic Recording (TMDR) signal processing. Because tracks are so thin/close together, the read head tends to pick up noise and signals from neighboring tracks whilst retrieving data. To tackle this problem, multiple heads are used to read portions of multiple tracks simultaneously. The drive then subtracts the inter-track interference signals.
Another contender for hard disk improvement is the Heat-Assisted Magnetic Recording (HAMR). HAMR uses laser strapped drive heads. The lasers heat up the track right before the data is recorded. The heated tracks produce smaller, more precisely magnetized areas with less interference between

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