
History Of Republic Of Korea ( R.o )

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Include short profiles of the company, the product to be exported, and the country with which you wish to trade.
Chipotle was opened in 1993, and the idea was to show that food could be served fast but didn 't have to be a “fast-food” experience. Using high-quality raw ingredients, classic cooking techniques, and distinctive interior design, they brought features from the realm of fine dining to the world of quick-service restaurants (“Our Company,” n.d., para. 1).
Brief discussion of the country’s relevant history
-The Republic of Korea (R.O.K.) was established in August 1948. North and South Korea went through a three-year Korean War. An armistice ended the war in 1953, but a permanent peace treaty has never been signed. After …show more content…

Winters are usually long, cold, and dry, whereas summers are short, hot, and humid. Spring and autumn are pleasant but short in duration.Topography: The Korean Peninsula is geologically stable because there are no active volcanoes.
Social institutions
Judicial power is vested in the Supreme Court, High Courts, District Courts and Family Court, as well as the Administrative Court and Patent Court.
Korean women once enjoyed nearly equal legal status with men, but women are getting equal education but still less work opportunities. However, both women and men are working so that they can afford their own consumption needs.(“Gender Roles,” 2105, para. 1-2)
Political system
-Politics of the Republic of Korea takes place in the framework of a presidential representative democratic republic, whereby the President is the head of state, and of a multi-party system. Executive power is exercised by the government. Legislative power is vested in both the government and the National Assembly.

Stability of government (considered stable)
South Korea’s Political stability index is (-2.5 weak; 2.5 strong): For that indicator, The World Bank ( provides data for South Korea from 1996 to 2014. The average value was 0.35 points with a minumum of 0.17 points in 2002 and a maximum of 0.53 points in 2007.
Special taxes
Corporate tax 10% (up to KRW 200

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