
History of Waterboarding

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Torture has long been used by law enforcement agencies and governments to questions criminals and terrorists. It is used to coax confessions or to find out any sort of information that may lead to the arrest or capture of other criminals. Although the torturing of prisoners in the United States is strictly prohibited by the constitution, the government started using the tactic waterboarding against terrorists. Although the government says waterboarding has led to prevention on mass terrorist attacks on U.S soil, it is not accepted by all of this country’s citizens. It is believed by certain people that waterboarding is torture and others do not believe it is. It is my goal to explore why the United States deemed this …show more content…

With that precedent, it is hard to believe that the government would employ these tactics against its prisoners. The government has shown its intolerance for this illegal method in the past, but has the audacity to use it against terrorists. Historically waterboarding became a popular technique because “It causes great physical and mental suffering, yet leaves no marks on the body” (Weiner, 2007). Leaving no marks is a very big perk for someone committing a crime against humanity. With no physical evidence, there is little evidence that the victim was really subjected to the treatment. The CIA, no doubt, kept this in mind before authorizing the treatment of prisoners. The CIA used waterboarding as an interrogation method to try to get leaders of Al Qaeda to talk. The dilemma came up when Abu Zubaydah, an Al Qaeda leader, became uncooperative in prison. The George Bush administration held meetings to decide what interrogation methods would be legal. A modern form of waterboarding was deemed acceptable and the most extreme interrogation method listed. According to sources, waterboarding has been used on three top Al Qaeda officials (Ross, 2007). The CIA maintains that this method is effective and completely lawful. The most successful incident of waterboarding came with the interrogation of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. KSM, as he is known by, was subjected to waterbaording and lasted an astounding minute and thirty seconds, as compared to the average of 14

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