
Home By Christmas Themes

Decent Essays

Authors of war stories often explain the harsh reality of war in their work. The texts I will be reviewing are, Home by Christmas by Gaylene Preston, Lest We Forget by Gaylene Preston, Digging and Grousing By Ernie Pyle and 1943 Letter From John F Kennedy. All of these texts are connected by the fact that they all explain the hardships of war. Home By Christmas by Gaylene Preston, shows the harsh reality of war by showing us that Tui’s husband leaves her to go and fight in World War II. This puts Tui in a situation where she has to go to work and raise their new son. Tui also faces a new ‘relationship’, with a photographer. From this I can see that Tui had to face some hardships while her husband was also facing hardships in the war, and when Eddie (Tui’s Husband) comes home she has to face the fact the person she was almost cheating on was back. From this I can say everyone had to face hardships no matter who. Lest we forget by Gaylene Preston, shows us the hardships of relationships during war. A quote says “the women talked above me, never about the battles or the bombs, always about the relationships dislocated and forced apart, or worse, forced together again because of that time called 'during the war.'” This shows us that even though there was other hardships like poverty …show more content…

Frost shows us this by explaining that a soldier has been sent home, and his girlfriend or wife is over the moon in happiness. But then the author introduces this sentence, “They had given him back to her, but not to keep.” This meant that her partner was only sent back until he was well again. This also shows a connection to the harsh reality of war because this happened a lot to people in wars, where their loved ones were sent back but only for a while and then they are ripped back into the war again to fight. And then their families are sitting there feeling heart broken all over

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