
Home / Identity Essay

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Home / Identity The word ‘home’ is something that is often misunderstood. Home makes up your identity and not many people know that. Therefore you ask me, ‘what is home?’ Home is not just in your house. Home is a place that surrounds you. It’s you environment and cause for emotions. Your home is where you are with the people that surround you (peers, family, and strangers), as well as cars, houses, stores, and/or toys. All of these things (people, buildings, playful objects, and nature) are the components that make up a home. Some people don’t have all of those things in their home though. A homeless man has no house to live in whereas a rich man has a beautiful house to his or her accommodations as well as anything that will make …show more content…

That is not completely true, however. A teenager can be used as a great example of this. Most teenagers don’t get along with their parents because of their desire to be free. This is a stereotype however, meaning not all teenagers feel this way. This leads to my point, which is that home varies from person to person even though some can be alike most are different. Home creates you identity because you learn from your surroundings even before you start to go to school. When you are young playing with friends and then fall and scrap your knee, you learn from that. It might take some time, but you eventually learn that that hill is too steep, or that toy is too much for you to handle. When you learn from you surroundings, you think of why you do the things you do. If you grow up in a neighborhood where people surround you with their friendship and love, then you will most likely be a caring person. But if you grow up where you are often ignored and try to be important, then you will most likely be passive and struggle for attention to a point where you don’t even realize you’re struggling for attention. A way to take a closer look at how home affects your personality / identity; you have to look at the structure of how a home is created. Your parent’s personalities are the first basis for how you live. The way they live is the first things you will see and learn from before you

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