
Homosexuality In America

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Is the day coming when business owners in America will have the ability to refuse to serve someone with whom they disagree? Imagine seeing a sign that says “We Don’t Serve Gays” in the window of a coffee shop. Most people would voice their outrage; they would demand an explanation of the owner, wondering what could have spurred the idea for such a discriminatory sign. Should the owner keep his or her sign up only because homosexuality is against their moral beliefs? The obvious and initial answer is “Absolutely not.” Refusing a cup of coffee to homosexuals just because of their beliefs is not ok. It would be discrimination. They are still people, and they are still citizens of the United States of America. Giving these people coffee does not mean that the shop owner would be showing his or her support for them. Nonetheless, it would be in the best interest of the shop to take the sign down, as keeping it up would likely hinder business. …show more content…

Supreme Court case “Masterpiece Cakeshop vs. Colorado Civil Rights Commission,” came before the Court in December of 2017. (Can A Baker) In this case, a gay couple walked into a cake shop looking for a cake for their wedding. The shop owner, Jack Phillips, who was morally opposed to homosexuality, refused to make them a wedding cake. Under the protection of the United States Constitution, should he have been allowed to decline his services? Yes. By denying these people a wedding cake, he was not discriminating against them because of their beliefs. His service was going to be used explicitly for something that he found morally unacceptable; he had every right under the Constitution to deny his

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